Sunday, June 8, 2008

Some Poetry


I. What happens when I sink slowly and ease my mind towards a more distant world, one that I feel through a gaze, the rapture of shadows against a geometric world, all forms lose their definition, all functional purpose melts away and material sensibility travels down a slide into oblivion. Only I remain, alone, watching, feeling nothing, only amazement, as meaning steps away from me, Time becomes a statue I shatter.
II. I throw thoughts like pebbles into a pool of blood, like a waterfall rushing through my body, like a stream reflecting the scarlet heavens at dusk. What causes me to open my mind like a cavern filled with fire opening her mouth to the earth and to the sky to find the air that keeps her alive? The heavy chains that were thrown onto me, disfiguring my body so that my toes met the back of my head, have vanished. But I still lay upon my bed, searching for missing fingers, one eye, and my head. What was I, what am I, what will I ever become.
III. Hectic days and dreary nights when you push everyone you love away and outside the boundaries of your life, because no one understands the pain, the remorse, the grief inside of my body. And they always have their reason and their truth, as to why my body and my mind acts and sounds this way. They look, but cannot feel. They observe, but dare not touch. My love, the love that needs, desires expression, is empty, lost, unfounded. I feel, but am not touched. I think, but do not know. And so I go on with myself like this over and over again day and night. My dreams are nightmares that haunt me, and my glance is cold and lost somewhere during the day, contained in a mind that still dares to question, and is then, becomes possessed by her questions, she only speaks and cannot talk, asks, but cannot respond.

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